Cassie Carstens

Qualifying as a pastoral narrative therapist in 2004, Cassie is available during week days from 19h00.

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Cassie Carstens het ʼn Ph.D. in chemie en is ʼn senior navorsingsbestuurder in ʼn kernenergie organisasie.

Hy kwalifiseer as pastorale narratiewe terapeut in 2004 na studie by die Coram Deo Pastorale Sentrum, waar hy sedertdien as aktiewe terapeut inskakel en op weeksaande vanaf 19:00 beskikbaar is.

Voortgesette opleiding is vir Cassie van groot belang en daarom woon hy gereeld kursusse by wat deur Coram Deo aangebied word asook gevorderde kursusse wat deur David Epston en Stephen Madigan in Suid-Afrika aangebied word.

Sy hoofbelangstelling is huweliksterapie, waarbinne sy benadering sterk beïnvloed is deur sy pastorale narratiewe agtergrond en verder verryk word deur die benaderings van John Gottman, Michele Weiner-Davis en Sue Johnson (Hold me tight).

Cassie het ook ʼn besondere belangstelling in breinchemie, spesifiek chemiese wanbalanse wat aanleiding gee tot gemoedsversteurings soos depressie. Sy benadering is holisties en sluit na terapie ook oefening, oordenking en gesonde eetgewoontes en aanvullings in.

Hy is ʼn volgeling van Jesus en kies om positief te investeer in die lewens van mense.


Cassie Carstens has a Ph.D. in chemistry, and is a senior research manager in a nuclear energy organisation.

In 2004 he qualified as a pastoral narrative therapist at the Coram Deo Pastoral Centre, and has since been an active therapist at this centre. He is available during weekdays from 19:00 in the evening.

Continuous training is very important to Cassie, which is one of the reasons for his active participation in courses presented by Coram Deo as well as advanced courses by David Epston and Stephen Madigan presented in South Africa.

His primary interest is marriage counselling, where his approach has been strongly influenced by his pastoral narrative background and has been enriched by the approaches of John Gottman, Michele Weiner-Davis and Sue Johnson (Hold me tight).

In addition, Cassie has a special interest in brain chemistry, specifically chemical imbalances that cause mood disorders such as depression. He has a holistic approach and except counselling, includes exercise, reflection, diet and supplements.

He is follower of Jesus and chooses to invest positively in the lives of people.

Special interest areas
Matters related to chemical imbalances
Holistic approach


Cassie's story
Pastoral Narrative Therapist