Become a friend of Coram Deo, a friend of hope in the world by contributing to our standard ‘Seeds of Hope’ campaign.
Coram Deo builds grit into the lives of families and communities. We advance hope and resilience. Our purpose is to give people the know-how to write and live their life stories that will sustain a healthy society… ‘know-how’ that undermines or dares to speak out against the power of the giant ills in society that haunt us… We do this so that
(a few outcomes of our work)
- … the rape victim can take back their power, so that
- … children can flourish and focus on being children, so that…
- … diversity found in race, colour, and creed becomes our strength, not our weakness.

Tax deductible donations
All bona fide donations are tax deductible. Section A18 receipts are issued upon request.
NPO No. 033-372-NPO
PBO No. 930003773
NPC No. 2003/007191/08
Account details
Bank: ABSA-Cheque account: 4067258321
Branch code: 632005 (electronic) or 335-545 (Hatfield)
Reference: ‘SOH’ ‘Surname’ and ‘Name’ (e.g., SOH Nel Marie)
Recurring donations can be made via debit order instruction (a download form or electronic) or the verified PayPal cause page.
Pay now | Hassle free direct donations
Custom donations take place through PayFast, a trusted payment platform in South Africa. Here we are also registered as a Public Benefit and Non-Profit Organisation.
The platform on PayFast uses the bank’s system for either EFT, Masterpass, or Credit or Cheque Card. Feel free to input any amount. Unless you wish to remain anonymous we would appreciate to be able to connect with your.

Other mutually beneficial partnerships besides donations
Also speak to us about your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSI), Skills Development Levies (SDL), or Employee Assistance (EA) partnerships
More about ways to help here.
Seeds of hope Wishlist
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