Meet Essie
[English to follow]Ek is gebore in Zambië en het my skoolopleiding in Pretoria en Umtata voltooi. Aan UP verwerf ek ‘n nagraadse kwalifikasie in Afrikaans-Nederlands. Werksomgewings het gewissel tussen die uitgewerbedryf (voltyds en vryskut) en die regsomgewing. Ek was tussendeur vir etlike jare ‘n tuisbly-mamma van drie seuns en so dankbaar vir dié voorreg wat my man, Dolf, vir my moontlik gemaak het.
Essie's story
‘n Paar jaar gelede is ek uitgedaag om ‘n module oor trauma te ontwikkel wat in die PNT 2-kursus aangebied word. Met baie gebed en die hulp van dr Franҁois Wessels word die kursus gebore en bied ek sedert 2013 die Trauma-module by Coram Deo aan. Dit bly ‘n taak wat mens nederig hou.
I was born in Zambia and completed schooling in Pretoria and Umtata. At the University of Pretoria I did a post-graduate in Afrikaans-Netherlands . Working experience included publishing (fulltime and freelance) and the law environment. For a number of years I was a stay-at-home mom raising three sons and I am so grateful for this privilege that my husband, Dolf, made possible for me.
In 2005-6 I enrolled for the PNT Course at Coram Deo and have been a part-time counsellor at this institution since then. As time proceeded more and more clients struggling with trauma and the effects thereof in their lives crossed my path. I decided to equip myself with more skills in this area, attending courses and workshops (varying from 80 hours to a day). In an effort to try and understand more about the workings of trauma in our lives and bodies, I expose myself to continually reading trauma-related publications and research. But one of the biggest privileges is to learn from clients struggling with the pain of trauma. I stand on holy ground and in awe at the grit people develop, and about the way in which our Creator “hardwired” us to overcome. I also realise how people’s God-stories during and after trauma become co-authors of their stories of resilience.
A couple of years ago I was challenged to develop a module on Trauma as part of the PNT2 course. With much prayer and inspiration from Dr Franҁois Wessels the course was birthed and since 2013 I have had the privilege to lecture the Trauma Module at Coram Deo. It remains a humbling experience.
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