Hope active
Who can’t do with hope today? Be the reason people feel that there can be hope (because there is).

Support our Volant hope collaboration project and we’ll send you our hope-pin to wear or gift to someone. But if you don’t wear it after a while you must pass it on!
With this you encourage them to seek out hope. You can print the page and tear off the top part to give them.
We’d also love for organisations to partner the hope-collaboration. Acquiring the pins can either be seen as payment or for amounts R500+ we can issue a tax deduction certificate and work with it as a donation. Do let us know.
The following buttons are set up to securely receive amounts for between 1-10 hope pins. The price comes down for more pins. Pins can be collected from the office or can be posted at an additional cost. For the latter simply submit your detail in the form via this link..
Welcome to the hope-collaboration project. We call this ‘Volant.’ It’s about actively supporting and developing hope in the world.
We invite individuals and organisations to support and advance hope by buying and wearing the pin as a symbol of hope. Hope is not wishful thinking.
Wishful thinking is doing nothing whereas hope is active. When you also buy the pin for others, it becomes an act(ivity). We can all do with a reminder that despite situations that seem hopeless, there is in fact, always hope. To wear hope and buy for others then becomes a symbol; a symbol of courage and resistance to hopelessness.

The hope-collaboration network
Across the country we have a growing network of hope-collaborators. In many instances they are people we have trained ourselves. Some have gone on to establish counselling practices but there are many who simply make themselves available to listen. They are not there to judge or diagnose. They are there to see hope flourish in your life.
Of course many around us (parents, colleagues, teachers) are also there to help and part of wearing the pin is be reminded that we should reach out to find, or offer hope. Yet, the network is there when needed.
To wear hope, you raise awareness in multiple environments. Organisations can also then use the hope logo to show on their website and other print material that they are hope advocates. Anyone can then go one step further and let us equip them to be become hope collaborators. While this training does lead to the possibility to register as a counsellor our focus is much wider. The approach that we take is called a narrative approach and can be used by anyone: teachers, leaders, parents, engineers, hair dressers – anyone.
We’d love to partner in various ways: A hope-stall in your community or organisation / Becoming a hope-dealer / Larger or recurring quantities / Tax reduction certificates (18A). Email our managing director here.

Banking Details: ABSA Cheque account 4067258321 / Branch Code 335 545 / Notification to finances@coramdeo.co.za (Reference HOPE Surname Initials) For email use subject line: HOPE Volant pins
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