Supervision Programme
Welcome to our Coram Deo practitioner-supervision programme. The way that we advance supervision is not from the perceived notion of someone looking over your shoulder. It is more of a relational and collaborative journey. In some cases the idea of ‘apprenticeship’ might be fitting, and in other cases the notion of ‘mentorship’ and ‘coaching’ describe it better. What it is, is unique, and it gets serious about you, your journey of growth as a practitioner.
Exit monotony
Rekindle your passion
Embrace the journey
Practitioner supervision is for anyone who wishes to become ‘better’ in their helping-role: more aware, intentional, passionately engage without crossing healthy boundaries, building recognition and a portfolio of helping in that role.
Join our prospective learner group
Prospective students are either enroled for the next intake or are still considering to get involved. The learning website makes it easy to get answers directly within the prospective learner community. It gives participants a head start to how the learning website works that supports live meeting processes.
Learn more here.
Information documents
Open and, or, download the following document.
Next intake
First class: To commence during February
For Counsellors, Coaches, Leaders, Managers, Teachers, Pastors, Psychologists, Professional facilitators and all helping-type roles.
Wednesday 10:00-12:00 (Centurion, Pretoria or online)
Wednesday 18:00-20:00 (online)
Tuesday evening 18:00 (Constantia Kruin, Roodepoort)
Please note that Constantia Kruin campus is a self-directed campus. While learning outcomes remain the same, they have the right to adapt certain aspects. Students who are local to the West Rand and wish to slot in with the Constantia Kruin campus must contact them directly by emailing Helene de Villiers Fees are paid directly to them. There is an additional cost that covers additional contact sessions.
Registration forms
Registration for the combined practitioner programme here. Send proof of registration to
Registration for supervision only, here. Send proof of registration to
Registration for CPD only, here. Send proof of registration to
Registration fee and deposit
First choose whether you’d like to do the combined programme, supervision separate, or CPD separate and based on that pay the relevant registration fee below. Or choose the registration fee appropriate to not having decided yet. Minor differences in registration fees help us in administration. Note that the registration fee is payable upon registration. It is part of a larger non-refundable deposit payable by the end of January. The remaining tuition fee can then be paid in three installments (see elsewhere) or by monthly debit order for a small discount.
Tuition fees
Proceed as follows: Decide on whether to do the combined programme, or only one or the other. This is important since each has their own registration fee, deposit and reference to use with payment. Or pay the general registration fee and decide later. The specific fees and references to use can be found below.
Also note that the stated tuition fee column is the full fee and the deposit is not something over and above the tuition. So also, the registration fee (immediately payable) is already part of the larger deposit (payable by end of January). Only remember that the registration fee and deposit are non-refundable but there is a silver lining.
Should you for some reason decide not to continue, rest assured that that fee is then seen as a donation with which we address matters of abuse, relationships, addiction, trauma, and pursuing better outcomes for children/teens in our communities. We can even offer you an article 18A tax deduction certificate for your contribution should you request it (within the given tax year).
We encourage prospective students to strongly consider the combined programme to truly unlock the best community offering we can give them and because their is synergy between them. Over twenty years we’ve built an incredible community of hope-collaborators and we’d love for you to remain part of cultivating hope (in you, and through you).
The community offering: Once students have completed a programme the first time, for a very low monthly fee they can remain part of that community and continue to learn and grow for as long as they want. When they redo the programme they don’t have to fulfill the formal requirements of the programme again.
Note the registration fees for the different options differ slightly. If still unsure then pay R420 and use as payment reference RE3+Surname+initials. If you have decided: The registration fee (first column) is already part of the full deposit for that option, which in turn is already part of the full tuition fee. In other words when it is time to pay the full deposit with commencement in February, you can subtract the registration if that has already been paid.
Combined programme (Supervision & CPD)
After the full deposit is paid, this programme taken over a suggested two years come to R695 per month.
Registration fee
Full deposit
Tuition fee (if completing over two years add R2,280)
Community offering
When paying any fees prior to commencement, use reference COP+Surname+Initials and send to Tuition fee is the total fee. Already part of that is the full deposit (payable end of January) and already part of the full deposit is the registration fee (payable with registration). The remaining balance (tuition fee – full deposit can be paid in three installments to be communicated or monthly over one or two years). Please add the specified amount if the student decides from the beginning to do the programme over two years. This usually accommodates those who enrol for the combined programme or who is otherwise quite busy.
Supervision separate
After the full deposit is paid, this programme taken over one year comes to R850 per month.
Registration fee
Full deposit
Tuition fee (if completing over two years add R2,120)
Community offering
When paying any fees prior to commencement, use reference SUP+Surname+Initials and send to
Tuition fee is the total fee. Already part of that is the full deposit (payable end of January) and already part of the full deposit is the registration fee (payable with registration). The remaining balance (tuition fee – full deposit can be paid in three installments to be communicated or monthly over one or two years). Please add the specified amount if the student decides from the beginning to do the programme over two years. This usually accommodates those who enrol for the combined programme or who is otherwise quite busy.
CPD separate
After the full deposit is paid, this programme must be completed in one year, coming to R400 per month.
Registration fee
Full deposit
Tuition fee
Community offering
When paying any fees prior to commencement, use reference CPD+Surname+Initials and send to
Explanation of tuition fee: Tuition fee is the total fee. Already part of that is the full deposit (payable end of January) and already part of the full deposit is the registration fee (payable with registration). The remaining balance (tuition fee minus full deposit can be paid in three installments to be communicated or monthly over one or two years). Please add the specified amount if the student decides from the beginning to do the programme over two years. This usually accommodates those who enrol for the combined programme or who is otherwise quite busy.
Supervision is formally a process of development for either new practitioners or among professional peers who has been practicing for some time already. Many professional bodies nowadays require ongoing supervision.
The two compulsory aspects of the supervision programme involve a set amount of individual supervision conversations and a certain amount of hours spent with people in your chosen modality (counselling, coaching, leadership other).
Our programme is open to various helping-role (teachers, parents, managers, leaders, and more) but there are some terms that you have to be aware of.
The primary reason for why we can offer non-discipline specific supervision is that we adopt a social-scientific framework that makes it possible, i.e., narrative practice. While its roots can be found in narrative therapy as we’ve been training on it for two decades, its application goes far beyond counselling.
The recommended requirement is that the prospective student should have undergone a sufficient amount of prior learning in narrative practice (such as the Coram Deo advanced certificate or recognised other provider). If not then the programme is still open to helping practitioners but with certain terms: As long as they realise that the framework within which our supervisors work is predominantly narrative. Thus we will still be working with stories (your story [professional and otherwise], that of our cultures, or society) but the outcome is not to train you in how to work with stories. Also if you have adopted a strong theoretical inclination (such as we have for narrative) we will not be focusing on other approaches. That being said, together we can invite other supervisors (outside of a narrative approach) for a certain amount of your sessions. Speak to us about the possibilities.
You can come from any helping modality but the same applies as above: Though you can come from any helping modality (coaching, counselling, mentoring, psychology) you have to know that the way it will be facilitated will mostly be dealt with from a narrative approach.
Description and value
A practitioner development programme incorporating multiple aspects of our lives (both personal and professional) into a transformative one-year journey. (May be extended in some cases)
- 10 one on one supervision meetings
- 45 hours role required conversations
- Part of a learning community that meet 20-33 times per year
- Recognition by the University of Pretoria
- Facilitated from a narrative perspective
- Allowing for faith based conversations
- A community that speaks to the inherent loneliness of leaders and other professional roles
- Becoming more mindful about what makes you a better and balanced practitioner
- Offers a reflective learning space for challenges practitioners might experience
- Recognised by CPSC and SignoPro, a cross-professional association
- Access to the supervision community after the formal programme at a reduced fee in order fulfill requirements that your profession might set for ongoing supervision (or simply aimed at continued practitioner growth).
See embedded document.
Online and select geographic regions with most students convening in Pretoria.
Extended faculty at Coram Deo (or your choosing) or with certain terms and conditions you may approach external supervisors.
Radio talks
Below (in Afrikaans) Dr Jo Viljoen and Annerine Riga talks about the value of undergoing supervision for helpers.
Section for Coram Deo narrative students
To an extent you can focus your supervision journey on specific themes as complemented by modules from the specific year’s Continued Learning programme.
A related concept in different helping industries is CPD. If supervision is taken together with the Continued Learning programme (that is CPD) we refer to it as the Third Year of studies at Coram Deo.

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