Continued Development
Welcome to our Coram Deo options for Continued Professional Development. Our CPD programme consists of four CPD modules during a given year. Usually our CPD is taken in conjunction with the practitioner supervision programme but can be taken separately. The document below offers information for both. All CPD events are presented online, each over the course of a Friday (from around 13:30) and Saturday.
2025 Themes
If there is a link on the title, the course is open to accept registrations. Click on it for more information and to register.
- 7-8 March: Focus on Anorexia / Bulimia in the series – Medical and psychological discourses (in conversation with narrative and pastoral perspectives)
- 30-31 May: Faith in counselling (Specific focus on faith)
- 15-16 August: Making meaning with teens
- 17-18 October: Family-related topic to be announced
Some topics are annually recurring although the content changes (See below)
Prospective student are strongly encouraged to enrol for all four modules/short courses. Not only is it more cost effective but once they have paid for the four short courses/programmes in a row they unlock a community fee.
Hereby they can attend all four programmes and new ones for a much reduced monthly fee. That is all their continued learning (life long learning) CPD points at a cost-effective rate. (Please inquire).
Unlocking this fee means that students are regarded as a valued an ongoing learning community member.
If you have missed some, you can do the self-paced version.
The continued professional / practitioner development modules are recognised by the University of Pretoria. There is an additional fee for the certificates but only those who do not enroll once off in all four. To qualify learners must submit a reflective assignment. For those who seek certification, 4 modules will give learners 1 certificate acknowledging the short course as modules of CPD training. University certificates are awarded only at a mid-year ceremony but Coram Deo attendance certificates can be downloaded after completing the course.
Each short course has its own registration form on the particular short course page. The following registration form is only for those who wish to enrol for the four courses together (which then includes the university certificate). Refer to the document for more information on fees.
CPD series registration. This is only for those who are not doing supervision or participants outside of the Coram Deo community.
Information documents 2025
The following document refers to the Combined Programme of which the CPD series of courses is a part. The other aspect is supervision. Please see the supervision page if interested.
University recognised training
CPD points
In addition to university accreditation the following Continued Professional Development points are the pre-calculated approximate points acknowledged by professional associations.
- SignoPro (Interdisciplinary / Voluntary Professional Association/Body): 9 – 12 points. Most of our courses have a strong narrative underpinning. There is not association/body other than SignoPro for narrative Practitioners in South Africa.
- We have had a significant interest for programmes to be registered with various professional bodies. Other professional bodies can be approached. Some are willing to acknowledge programmes even if not registered prior but we cannot guarentee that.
* For SignoPro points are allocated in each category in which the person is registered, provided the participant can indicate why a particular theme is relevant to those categories. Example: If you’re registered in the coaching and counselling categories then you will have earned 18 points.
For these points to count, participants can register at SignoPro Email them at or see the below. Supervision students are especially encouraged to register since they are working with members from the public from a narrative perspective.
Membership registration form (the suggested RC for Coram Deo community members is RC4)
Log your CPD events/points here after attending a learning event. Or to submit in bulk then you can create your own form but keep to the column headings on the second worksheet here.
CPD at Coram Deo
Continued development is sometimes called Continued Professional Development (CPD) or Continued Learning (CL) or Continued Education (CE). In the past Coram Deo did not have formal CPD offerings although we have presented informal learning as part of what was called Alumni but that is not longer the case (see here). We now distinguish between informal learning (that finds a space in Coram Care, much like the previous Alumni) and formal CPD programmes. The latter is a professional requirement for anyone practicing as a counsellor or other helping professional. You can also join Coram Care for mere donation of R300 per year. Coram Care focuses on ‘care for the caregiver’ and is open to everyone in the helping-industry (not just Coram Deo members). To register and more, see here.
On a yearly basis Coram Deo decides which themes will be presented as the particular year’s formal Continued Development programme. If it is taken together with our Supervision programme we then refer to it as the Third Year of studies at Coram Deo (more here). Though not restricted to our students, combining supervision and continued development is our intention for students who completed the two year advanced certificate progamme at Coram Deo.
Who enrolls for Continued Development?
A. Ideally a person who have completed a sufficient level of workshops/training in narrative work at
- any reputable institution (e.g., university)
- studied with a recognised narrative practitioner, or
- have completed the Coram Deo two year programme in pastoral narrative therapy
B. Any person (non-narrative exposure included) involved in actual counselling (counsellors, psychologists, HR practitioners, pastors). T’s & C’s apply.
C. Public interest: From time to time there may be topics that generate public interest and as such anyone can enroll. T’s & C’s apply.
Terms and conditions: The Continued Development programme should not be seen as foundational training in a narrative approach (as relevant to coaching, therapy and other work with people). That being said, some modules do go over the ideas of narrative work. You will have to inquire.
Yearly reoccurring modules
The following two modules occur yearly. The medical and psychological discourses module however takes a different interest but still under the idea of medical and psychological discourse.
Medical and psychological discourses
Pastoral and narrative helping practices entering into conversation with conventional medical and psychological language [Yearly reoccurring although the specific clinical aspects might change, e.g., depression, ADHD, or whichever is decided on, on a yearly basis
Faith in counselling
Faith in counselling is an important topic for those working in the pastoral context.
Working with children or teens
Rotating yearly between Meaning making with children (2022/2024) and Working with teens/adolescents (2023)
CPD portfolio focus
See our standard CPD courses and other courses portfolio on Of the larger portfolio, those who enrol for the full year may also do any two of the larger CPD portfolio in a self-paced format when made available.
Of the larger portfolio the one that is standard for 2023 to be attended live is ‘Families in transition’ (i.e., Dance me to the end of love)
Certificates from the university
The formal CPD programmes on this page receive recognition from the University of Pretoria. Only those who enroled for all four short courses or those who enroled for the Combined Practitioner Programme, their certificate fee is covered. Those who enroll per module/course will have to pay an additional fee of between R400-R800 (payable on request and not part of your payment now). But note that for all university certificates a reflective assignment will be required, that will not be evaluatd but shows your engagement with the course and can therefore be moderated by the university. So, even those who enroll for the full series or combined programme will not recieved university acknowledgement if they do not complete the assignments. However, Coram Deo still issues attendance certificates for those who attend and fill out the attendance register.
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