Blended Learning
Welcome to our blended learning section. Blended learning uses a number of tuition mechanisms in the absence of traditional or residential/local learning. There are a number of disadvantages but also notably advantages. Please note that our approach to blended learning does not entail traditional self study distance learning. It is not ideal and reflecting the spirit of narrative work.
Our approach to online learning is more participative. Once registered for the programme it is easy and convenient and you will be joining us regularly in a live online video conversation. You can simply click through here or follow our email instruction. No sign up/ sign in or creating an account. Simply join with the number provided from this link or as described via email.
More about studying online here.
More about our developing story of using online technology here.
PASTORAL NARRATIVE THERAPY online 2020 (Blended Learning)
Blended Learning functions fully as an independent type of learning group as opposed other regional areas that are fully residential.
There are however some areas where a mix between blended learning and residential contact days are necessary. These include towns or regions in KwaZulu-Natal (focus Durban) or Free State (focus Bloemfontein) that function on a semi-residential format. The only difference then (to fully online video learning) is that learners who are able to travel
- provided they stay close by, can convene themselves weekly if someone is prepared to act as host (this can function somewhat like the tradition of cell groups in churches)
- or as arranged by Coram Deo in conjunction with the learners convene, depending on participant numbers, monthly or quarterly for reflection sessions.
- (or both above)
It is important to note that students in the mentioned areas still enroll online. Past online students did not have the option of also convening locally from time to time. The frequency of local meetup is determined by the number of participants enrolling per region.

The content is the same as for all residential programmes. See course overview and registration forms here (in English, or Afrikaans) but note some adaption mentioned on this page. If something is not mentioned here then it follows exactly the content and outline of the relevant information pages.
Medium of learning
The primary format (medium of learning), is video based online group discussion on a weekly basis.
Follow the class schedules page. The moment we have set days prospective learners can see it there. Classes will take place one evening during the week from around 19:00-21:00. There might possibly be an option for a morning also (10:00-12:00). (Time zone: GMT+2; South African Standard)
Because the duration of lecture/group participation is typically shorter than locally presented classes, students should place greater emphasis on preparation for discussions. The material is mostly not presented in lecture style!
Group size
Participant numbers range from 5-12 learners so as to enable personalised and quality group discussion.
Lecturing style
While the style is mostly dependent on the lecturer a facilitative style is often followed where the focus is not on ‘teaching’ the material but facilitating conversation.
Over the two years students will be exposed to several lecturers.
We continue to try and find ways to enhance the experience of online learners. We believe that online learning should not be sub par. It is merely different. Some don’t take to it while others won’t trade it for the world.
We will thoroughly brief all online learners about technology requirements before the programme commences.
Most standard internet lines nowadays will be sufficient. We don’t use Skype, but if you have ever used Skype or something similar your technology is just fine.
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