Pastoral Narrative Therapy Durbanville

Welcome to Coram Deo’s Durbanville network for hope-collaboration through pastoral narrative therapy.

Over the years we’ve had numerous annual intakes where students attended class with a local partner. That means that there is still a learning community of alumni students and pastoral and narrative practitioners. If you are interested in pastoral narrative therapy and cultivating hope in and through your life we can put you in touch with local community members.

Local opportunities

  • Counselling
  • Coaching
  • Pastoral narrative therapy training
  • Practitioner supervision training

Studying in the area

Covid changed students’ learning and attendance patterns considerably. Students mostly enrol for online class but depending on numbers in the region we create local opportunities to connect and ultimately make a difference in local communities. We also refer counselling to our local network. For groups we can take people (in churches, schools, organisations) through our online narrative short course or individuals can enrol with our annual intake in the university accredited pastoral and narrative therapy advanced programme. For those already through the advanced programme we have a practitioner supervision programme aimed at connecting, rekindling, or going deeper into your helping-skills and personal development.