Kempton Park

Welcome to Coram Deo’s Kempton Park network. Please note that the region of the partnership changed to Benoni. The following information can be accessed from the Benoni page while this one will remain active for a limited period.

Our primary offering in the area is a university accredited programme in pastoral narrative counselling that usually commences by the end of January each year. Intake opens in September for the following year. It is an advanced certificate but we start off with the very basics of a narrative approach. It is presented in Benoni.

What if you’ve missed the enrollment deadline? There is some leeway for late joiners if we have available seats but only up to mid February. After this you should inquire whether we intend to run a short programme during March or April. If a short programme is presented, this programme fits seamlessly into the accredited programme. You can simply continue the journey with the existing blended learning group or locally, that is if interest permitted us to start from the beginning of year.

Your attendance at the introductory/bridging programme will give us clarity as to whether we can continue with the programme locally during March or April in which case students would not have missed anything at all.

Showing your interest will go a long way in helping us assess the need in the area. Please write us an email. We know there are students who are eager to commence and they are awaiting your display interest.

Classes take place at 61a Road 5  Brentwood Park, Benoni. Please see the the information page and from there access enrollment forms. I4CC is our learning partner in the area.

Relevant details can be found on the registration form. Here, Nicole, one of our lecturers in the area shares her experience:

Course information