
Welcome to Coram Deo’s Lydenburg network.

Our primary offering in the area is a university accredited advanced programme in pastoral narrative counselling that usually commences by the end of January each year. It is an advanced certificate but we start off with the very basics of a narrative approach.

Training group counselling Lydenburg

Our initial intake in Lydenburg 2018

What if you’ve missed the enrollment deadline? There is some leeway for late joiners if we have available seats but only up to mid February. Being one of our smaller regions, if by then we do not have a large enough group for the advanced programme then along with local stakeholders we consider one of two things. 1) Then there might be enough to start with our introductory short course or 2) we wait for, usually, March/April to run the introductory course that serves to onboard everyone to the advanced course right after that. You would then not have missed anything. Whether we do it this way depends on a number of factors and it will a great deal if interested persons then invite others to make the programme feasible.

Another possibility is to start of with the online group in the beginning of the year and work with us towards a March/April introductory courses (mentioned above). If that result in a large enough group, the entire group can simply continue locally. More about the online group here which we call the blended learning group.

Your attendance at the introductory/bridging programme will give us clarity as to whether we can continue with the programme locally during March or April. To reiterate: Students would not have missed anything.

Please see the the information page and from there access enrollment forms.

Course information


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