Our primary offering in the area is a university accredited programme in pastoral narrative counselling that usually commences by the end of January each year (subject to our local partner’s schedule). It is an advanced certificate but we start off with the very basics of a narrative approach.
Please see the the information page and from there access enrollment forms.
Met ‘n Christusgesindheid, familie en vriend vir almal
NG gemeente Mosselbaai
'n Leerprogram vennoot
Ons gemeente is in die middel van die dinamiese en diverse kusdorp, Mosselbaai, geleë. Ons is oortuig van die volgende: God stuur ons om, met ‘n Christusgesindheid, familie en vriend vir almal te wees.
Ons skep daarom ruimte vir verskillende spiritualiteite, generasies en style – veral in ons drie eredienste waar almal welkom is en God die kern van ons aanbidding is.
Ons het ‘n hart vir families en wil graag alle mense en gesinne ondersteun. Ons is op ‘n kruispunt van ons dorp en daarom verbind om diens aan ons hele gemeenskap te lewer. Ons vat daarin graag hande met ander gemeentes en kerke.
Meer oor NG gemeente Mosselbaai hier.
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What online or blended learning is like Two years ago (2018) Coram Deo...
Tax reduction certified
Head office (Pretoria)
Advancing narrative practices for twenty years and we still can’t get enough of it. About
Courses | Training
Accredited by the University of Pretoria, we offer specialised training in a narrative approach that is generally described as pastoral but non-doctrinal in nature. A narrative approach also has application in coaching, mentoring, facilitation, mediation and organisational development.
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